
November 19 2019 by Buddy

The calendar for 2020 is ready for you.

Anne worked hard. Lots of new art. And we're all happy she got it done before the old crystal ball dropped. You can check out all the new images and buy the calendar at our Zazzle store. https://www.zazzle.com/mbr/238012448829472374


The Yoga Class

The 'Yoga Class' is for the month of September. Once again I'm a real headliner in this calendar. That's me in the middle. I'm looking at you. It's an awesome class. Dogs. Cats. All sizes. All colors. Some of us are more flexible than others.


November Horses

Anne's taken to painting horses. She had thought she might take up horseback riding but decided she'd explore her fascination with those big big animals by painting them instead. I thought this was a smart decision. I didn't want to see her falling off one of those big big animals onto her head. That would be awful.


Mouse Patrol

This is October. It's a good time to hunt- October. Here we are ready to pounce. We try to do most of our work at night so Anne doesn't have to witness the carnage. Gabby and I like the night-shift and we work well together as a team. She's very patient and quick on her feet and I'm the muscle of the operation.

That's it for the 2020 Calendar update. Another blog post added to the archive. So if you want to buy one just head on over to https://www.zazzle.com/mbr/238012448829472374

And thanks for reading this... whoever you are. Does anyone actually read these things? Blog posts written by a cat? Well, I certainly hope so.


What are you doing?


Anne’s miniature gallery